Coach Chris
Chris Soudir was born in Dallas, Texas and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina when he was 3. He has played soccer since the day he started walking. Chris has been involved with this sport in many ways, from playing and refereeing to coaching. He spent most of his years playing for Charlotte United, Itagui (Barefoot), Futsala and Charlotte Soccer Academy, competing at the highest level. Chris also played futsal for many years whilst going to Nationals in Kansas multiple times. His passion for this game allowed him to play at the college level.
Chris currently attends Belmont Abbey College where he is majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sports Management. Chris will be a senior this year and looks forward to a fantastic season and continuing to play at the highest level.
Chris has always loved mentoring our younger generation of players and showing them everything he has learned on and off the field. Chris’s goals as a coach is to allow each player to build confidence, improve on their technical abilities, understanding all views and aspects of the game in order to increase their knowledge of the sport and build passion for the beautiful game.